I have doubts in my heart. I have doubts that certain circumstances in my life will ever change. One day I think I see a glimmer of hope....the next day the glimmer fades away into nothingness.
Advent is about the barren becoming fertile, the impossible becoming possible, life being breathed into the dead and lifeless.
And when I can't seem to muster up faith to believe that anything will ever be different....God meets me in my unbelief. In my frustrating, imperfect, up and down faith...He does not abandon me or leave me alone. What a gift... What rest....
"The miracle always is that God is gracious, that grace carries us and breathes life into the dead and impossible places, that grace--a thousand graces--explodes the doubting silence in our hearts." ~Ann Voskamp
I pray that new birth comes this Christmas....that my seemingly hopeless situations are illumined with bright light and life...that dreams, dead and withered, suddenly bud with promise...may I open my heart to His grace and peace...may I find joy in who I am and may He always be enough...
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