Saturday, December 6, 2014

Advent ~Six~

Advent ~Six~

Like somewhere between heaven and earth, there is mirth--the echo of angels.  Ann Voskamp

Have you ever been around someone whose laughter makes you laugh? Their laughter is so contagious, you just can't help end up giggling with them.
My daughter and daughter-in-law have laughs like that.
My son and son-in-law make it their mission to get the two girls laughing...uncontrollably...snorts and all. Radene always describes it as "I'm going to pee my pants" laughter.  Gary and I enjoy the show and we all laugh until the tears run.

Sarah, 90 years old, and Abraham, 100 years old, cradle their promised son, Isaac. Genesis 21 lets us in on their joyous celebration.  God gave them a specific name for their son....a forever living reminder of His miracle...Isaac-"he laughs."  Sarah herself declared, "God has brought me laughter.  All who hear about this will laugh with me."

Laughter is a gift....shimmering and life-giving.  Today's reading shares this...
"In the press of a dark world, laughter comes to the Sarahs and the sufferers and the stressed as the reliever and then the reminder--the ache is not the last word for those who believe God.  Jesus is.  Jesus is the last word, and we rejoice and rejoice again and re-joy again because grace is our oxygen now."

A happy heart is good medicine, and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.  Proverbs 17:22

May we giggle and snort and allow joy to bubble up in our souls today.

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