Whoo Hoo!! I did it!
I accepted a 31 day challenge to write 500 words a day from a total stranger I follow through social media. Today is the last day of that challenge.
What in the world made me think I could do such a thing?
Here are my credentials that qualified me to take on this writing challenge...(I'm being facetious...smile...)
- High School Graduate
- LPN Nursing School Graduate
- Physician's Office Nurse
- Avon Representative
- Sample Lady in a Grocery Store
- Mary Kay Beauty Consultant
- Home Decor Retail
- Barista
- Home Depot Cashier
- Home Depot Expediter
- Home Depot Delivery Coordinator
- Bible Study/Support Group Facilitator
No, no degrees in English, communications or journalism.
I simply considered the rules set forth by the gentleman stranger, Jeff Goins:
"For the next 31 days, we’ll be writing 500 words a day. These won’t be great words, but they will be written. We’re not trying to reach perfection; we’re just trying to get more ideas out of our heads and onto paper."
I thought....maybe...just maybe....I could do that.
I had been desiring to fire up my blog again, so why not combine both activities?
You see...I am a middle age woman. One of the so-called sandwich generation, care-taking of elderly parents on one hand, and involving myself in the lives of children and grandchildren on the other hand.
I have lived the majority of my life. I don't say that to be morbid, it is just reality.
I journal everything...I am very introspective on a daily basis. This stage of life has compelled me to be more introspective than usual.
The question that has quietly, patiently kept pursuing me is this...do I want to continue a life of merely surviving ...rut plodding...shadow living?
Take some risk? Try something new? Trust in the desire's of my heart?
Writing every day has been my timid first steps out of the shadows where I have been hiding for a few years.
The reasons behind my hiding, or being in my desert..as I call it, are no longer important.
What my Father did in my heart and soul during that time is the real story of my life.
Author and pastor, Timothy Keller shared this quote today..."Many times people think if God has called you to something he's promising success. He might be calling you to fail to prepare you for something else through the failure."
Failure has dotted my past. I finally understand that failure isn't final or fatal.
And now, after reading the above quote, I am pondering the option that my failures were fashioning me, laying the groundwork for "something else".
Honestly, I don't know what my "something else" is. It is a mystery to be uncovered. Every day I wake up excited to look for clues....after my morning coffee, of course.
I will continue my blog....searching for my "something else"...gathering clues...enjoying the mystery of my journey.